Tailor-made software for all types of business.

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Kennard Consulting design tailor-made software for all types of businesses. From financial advisers to marketing companies, we create software that works for you.

Explain your frustration with your current software, or let us work with you to identify how technology can improve your business. From web sites to e-commerce solutions, from inventory tracking to customer databases, we do it all. We will analyse what you need, build the solution, test it, train your people, and then provide you with ongoing support. Our offering is end-to-end, so you won't be on your own once we've finished developing the product.

At Kennard Consulting, we believe that everybody should have great software. We pride ourselves on individual attention and a focus on quality.


Industry Awards

Investment Trends: Best New Advice Technology Application

Winner: Wealth Projector

Citi Mobile Challenge

Finalist: Wealth Projector

AFA Practice of the Year

NSW: Wealth Projector


Innovation Excellence: One Central

Rainmaker Excellence Award

Special Mention: One Central

ASFA Award

Excellence in Member Communication: One Central

Financial Literacy Awards

Shortlisted: Outstanding Application in Communication

JCP Expert

JSR-299 (CDI) Expert Group member

JDK Star

Contributions to the Java Development Kit

Academic Awards

Australasian PhD Thesis Of The Year

Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia

Grand Prize Winner

Wollongong Hackathon

Highest Academic Achievement in Computer Science

University of Nottingham

Volunteer of the Year

Volunteering NSW, Primary Ethics

Speaker Sessions

OIM Technologies

JavaScript Jabber podcast

Metawidget and Node.js

Node.ninjas, Sydney

Metawidget and Angular JS

AngularJS User Group, Google Sydney


JavaOne, San Francisco

Metawidget and JBoss

Red Hat Summit, Boston

Developing with Java EE

Java User Group, Sydney

Self-generating JSF components

Java User Group, Atlassian HQ

Latest News

Kennard Consulting has launched SprintAR, an Augmented Reality sprint training app.
Kennard Consulting's latest startup Uniworker has been released. It helps connect students who want to earn money with households that need jobs done.
Kennard Consulting has launched PozeAR, an Augmented Reality martial arts training app.
Richard Kennard has been awarded a black belt in Taekwondo by United Taekwondo, Australia.
Wealth Projector has been awarded Best New Advice Technology Application by Investment Trends, a specialist financial services research organisation. They said it was "the pre-eminent implementation of a goals-based advice process in Australia and possibly the globe".
IOOF has signed with Kennard Consulting, following their acquisition of Wealth Projector.
Wealth Projector has been acquired by IOOF, the largest financial planning company in Australia.
Richard Kennard has received a NSW Volunteer of the Year Award for his contribution teaching philosophical ethics to primary school children.
Wealth Projector has been shortlisted as "an outstanding application" for the 2017 Financial Literacy Awards.
AgriHive, the Wealth Projector for agriculture, has been featured in Queensland Country Life.
BT Financial, the financial planning arm of Westpac, have licensed Wealth Projector for their innovative new Wealth Review product.
A judge at the Citi Mobile Challenge has named Wealth Projector his pick of the genre.
Announcer Group, a Wealth Projector licensee, have won the Association of Financial Advisers NSW Practice of the Year.
ClearView, an innovative financial planning company, have licensed Wealth Projector.
RetireInvest, the financial planning arm of ANZ, have licensed Wealth Projector to offer to their clients.
Richard Kennard has been interviewed by the JavaScript Jabber podcast to discuss Metawidget and User Interface generation.
Richard Kennard was a member of the winning team at Hackagong. Their 3D-printed, Internet-of-Things (IoT) Egg Hatchery claimed the top prize.

Academic Publications

Industry White Papers

What Good is an OIM?

Metawidget, Open Source

Case Study: Telefonica Health Portal

Metawidget, Open Source

Case Study: JBoss Forge

Metawidget, Open Source

Case Study: Global Navigation Satellite System

Metawidget, Open Source

Case Study: Flexible Dispersion Modelling

Metawidget, Open Source

Adoption Studies

Metawidget, Open Source

Duplication in User Interfaces

Metawidget, Open Source